Saturday, October 04, 2008

A Snooze Fest

After leaving Mumbai I’ve had this impeding fetish of watching a play, of which I was deprived for a long time. Finally today, after around three frikking long months, it was doused. And what big time ! Do u remember the time when you are in an elevator, alone, and this pretty lady you’ve never seen before enters? An unnerving silence that follows and you try and stare at your toes in the hope of finding Indiana Jones’ treasure. Ok so now take that the un-comfort level and multiply is by 45670648590334578 and take the lift into Petronas Tower reduce it’s velocity by the same factor! Why?? 

I went to watch a play by Shakespeare!  

God will vouch that I wasn’t acting crazy or intellectual. Just plain ol curiosity drove me in and plain ol insanity drove me out. It was “A Winter’s Tale” performed by Actors from the London Stage whose theatrical credentials were verified by Wikipedia but boy I did not know the voltage at which my circuits get crossed! 
10 minutes into the play and the ticket stub flew out of my hand. Because I was sleeping. I stuttered awake thinking I was in a lecture and the lady next to me was applauding. Oh ha ha! Very good. Very good indeed. I clapped. Went back to sleep. It was 3 Hours long. Can you believe it ? 3 Hours. Ashutosh Gowarikar gave us horses, fight, elephants, aerobics, some mushy scenes and then too we tongue lashed him for Jodha Akbar. I was speechless here. As speechless at Kamal Hasan in sadma ! 

Re-living my high-school days for 3 hours was quite an ordeal and it brings back the memory of Hamlet’s soliloquy, which I had memorized by heart in those days. I make my own here for the grad-school days. 


To slack, or not to slack, that is the question;

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
the C’s and D’s of outrageous assignments,

Or to take pens against a sea of compositions,
And by opposing or creatively copying, finish them. 

To work; to accomplish,
No more, and by accomplishment to say we end

The workload, and the thousand SPE Papers
That students are heir to; 

'tis a dream
Devoutly to be wish'd. To work, to accomplish;
To accomplish; perchance to succeed; ay, there's the rub;

For in that accomplishment of work what mark may come,
When F-1 visa is but a paper and PPT’s are merely a stageshow; 

there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long a school career seem fair

Till later. 


May thou have a befitting week! Or whatever!

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