Friday, January 06, 2006

Toothbrush Obscenity

All the avid and a bit observant movie buffs out there, I have a question for you. What is that which is not shown in any movie howsoever explicitly vulgar and outlandish the movie be???

I’ll tell you. Surprisingly it is one such affair that everyone indulges in and is not repugnant. Brushing of teeth … or rather spitting of the paste foam.

There are many such examples. In the movie Enemy at the gates Vassilli Zaitsev (the main protagonist) was shown to indulge in carnal pleasures but when it came to ‘basin’al behavior the camera always stayed focused at the mirror and never panned down. Same was the case in The Truman Show and Stuart Little (the kid did not get laid though).

Even Hindi movies stick to this fundaa. Take for instance Lucky. The girl studies for her exam as she brushes and the camera movement never defies the trajectory. Kya Kehna was also in league.

Maybe the directors have some qualms in filming this ‘social outrage’ and ‘distasteful behavior’ of man. We are at peace though as skin flicks rule.

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