Monday, January 09, 2006

Elizabethan Prophecy

I was the knight in the shining armor riding down the foggy path through the forest at the dead of night. My head hung dejectedly on a slumped shoulder as the steed tore through the night. Winning wars and collecting taxes did not matter to me anymore as a tumult reigned within me. There was never a moment of fulfillment despite the stately success and the praises that rained from heaven.

Banquo was riding beside me, his face set straight and looking hard through the fog that cast an eerie glow on the foliage around. He is a dear friend of mine and has been so since long. He is a fine bloke and a dexterous swordsman. As good as he is in yielding an arm; he is also an adept wooer. Banquo has been courting a lovely lady lately and from the looks of it, things seem to be getting definite.

Now the reason for my forlorn demeanor is my abortive love life, to put things straight. The thing has been bothering and hollowing me from the inside and I feel like collapsing into myself. The love bug had struck on my last visit to Bronderslev where I had met Arisia Graoch, the daughter of the local surgeon. Things looked pretty well and her eyes were wet as I rode out of the village. Letters were exchanged on a regular basis for over a year when fate struck and events took an unexpected turn. Arisia moved to Holmgarde where she went down the road to opulence and since then letters went unanswered and groans went unheard. This was what I was thinking of today as I rode towards the castle of Denmark.

Poof…Poof…Poof and apparated out thin air three figures crouching over a steaming cauldron. Ah! Witches for sure as the smell of cooking salamander wafted through the air. They had long noses and creepy eyes which surveyed us closely.

“Which of you is Macbeth?” One of the witches squeaked.

“Me it is”

“Bother not O! Brave Knight for what you seek shall be yours in time”

“What is that you speak of??” I demanded

“Macbeth, yours fears are justified but you shall have the love of your life and the gloom of your soul shall vanish”

“Really!!! When would it happen?? I’ am sick of waiting”

“The day when the Birnam Woods move towards the castle of Denmark

“Whaaaat ???? Birnam Woods will move!!! Are you out of your mind??”

“Stars tell the tale and never incorrectly”

Poof…Poof…Poof and they vanished into thin air.

What a remarkable prophecy. Impossibility achieved divine proportions tonight. The spark of hope that remained seemed to quiver in the cold draft. I looked up at the sky and closed my eyes.

“God send Malcom and Macduff speedily as I am tired of tarrying matters and need to put my heart to rest and soul to peace. Move O! The mighty Birnam Woods and let me embrace my destiny”

Shakespeare wrote the rest.

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