Saturday, June 04, 2005

Of White, Blue, Green and Orange

I have noticed a certain trait within me. I will sleep like a log when there’s no task at hand and no alarm clock can rouse me. But when there’s an agenda the internal clock goes off at the stipulated time, howsoever early it maybe.

Today morning the sun hadn’t yet risen over the city of Mumbai when I rose. Mohan was still wrapped in the blanket. (Mohan is one of the other trainees, and the blanket in the month of May is explained by the ac roaring away relentlessly)

A quick shower and I wore the pair of denims the company had provided for this occasion. The boots were pretty heavy and they hurt when I walked. Maybe a few days of toiling will soften them. I checked out of the hotel at 05:45. The dawn had begun to show. I had the perfect directions to the Helibase but first timers are first timers so did not take any risks. The auto took me to the stipulated place but not without any hitches. He had to turn twice round the bifurcation to get to the correct gate. The entry proclaimed “Airport Authority of India Welcomes You”.

The road was pretty winding but the directions to the ONGC helibase were very clear. The BG bunkhouse was deserted. Not their fault though. I was to report at 06:30 and it was 06:05. No sweat. Then began the seemingly unending sequence of security checks. The bag was ransacked. God knows what they were looking for. Nothing in particular maybe. Just felt around for 15 min and asked if it contained matchsticks or any other inflammable stuff.

Yes u moron. I was carrying 250gms of RDX. Itz in my backpack.

Second ransack. X-ray scan. Weighing and then clearance issued.

I rushed out as the guard told me the chopper had arrived at the base and the people had already embarked. Carrying 16kgs on my back it seemed like a trek up a hill. The sight of a chopper with its rotor running was a wow. Strapped on my lifejacket and climbed aboard. The HLO came to me holding my pair of sneakers which had fallen out of the bag during the rush. He reprimanded me for my carelessness. C’mon buddy first timers are first timers.

But in the rush and amidst raised eyebrows I forgot to fasten my seatbelt. The chopper got a thumbs-up from the base and it elevated. But contrary to my expectation it did not go up vertically. Instead like an airplane it went down the tarmac and then turned to face the runway. I was feeling sheepish not wearing the belt but did not attempt to strap it on now. Coz I did not want anymore raised eyebrows. I was just keeping my fingers crossed.

The chopper picked up enormous speed and the ground dropped down beneath us and it rose to around 1200 ft. It crossed the solid terrain within minutes and was now over miles and miles of water. The Arabian Sea. It seemed so tranquil from such an altitude. The boats looked like pieces of cork bobbing up and down in the water.

I was feeling extremely apprehensive for the first few minutes but when the vessel became steady I was breathing normally. It rode into an envelop of cloud and there was milkyness for around a minute. Then it rose above the puffs and I witnessed the most beautiful sight. There were clouds all around and beneath us and we were gliding above it effortlessly. The view was spectacular.

Human hands have pervaded through all of nature and within few minutes the Panna Platform rose in effortless insolence. The orange structure was standing 150 ft tall in the green waters. The chopper was maneuvered and it began losing altitude gradually. The "H" loomed up menacingly. It settled down on the helideck gently.

I was there.

Welcome to the world amidst waters.

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