Only this time I wasn’t faking it. About 11 years back when I was in eight standard, or somewhere there, I was asked by my teacher to play a part in a play. I though that I hadn’t done any great things so far so WTH (H=Heck not Hell. I love God) I’ll do it. Rehearsal began and as it turned out I wasn’t suited to play a Doctor. I’ am sorry, as I 14 years old, it’s odd that I do not know how to hold a stethoscope. So after 2 days of practice I was downgraded from a Doctor to a guy running a grocery store!
That’s like going from being in Mathematics section till 10th and then being told to switch to commerce for 12th! My soul threw up. I thought of showing my teacher how good a doctor I was by breaking her Femur! but I did not and my report card vouches for it. I decided to ditch the play and I needed a plan to get out of it.
I used to ride a bike to school and I decided to center my script on it. So here’s how it would go. I go out on a ride, stumble across a rough patch on the road and take a hard fall, sprain my leg and end up with a bandaged leg for at least a week and I’ am out of the play. Not in real. I may not be qualified to play a doctor but 'Am not stupid. But I couldn’t walk to school with a normal gait and then wrap a bandage on my leg in front of the school gate so I had to involve my Mom/Dad in this too. This was tricky. I would me limping 24 hrs! So my cycle crash occurred at an audible distance from home and I made my debut at acting the ‘painful’ look and bailed out from the play. And that’s the story of how I had my shot at stardom and how I blew it by inventing a lie of falling off a bike when all I did was dismount, sit down, well up and shout!
11 years later on Thanksgiving Day, I’ am walking to a friends place for a dinner. No buses are running on campus so Ashu and I walk the way. ‘Boy the campus is so crowded today because of the A&M game and look at all the.. aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh’ and I flipped over, my specs fogged and flew out and I was lying flat on the grass. Apparently I had stepped into a hole, a size of a bear trap and twisted my ankle as badly as a toffee wrapper . I was in a total holiday mood and in no way was I gonna let this minor, aaaaaaaaahhhhhh, incident put a damper on my plans. So with Ashu’s help I trotted a mile across campus walking as if Pinocchio was suffering from a severe case of Termite attack! With every step, the crunch and internal aaah alarm went off. I managed to get there but with dinner the plans for the night were not over yet. It was Black-Friday and I could not allow by ankle to come in the way of the awesome threesome between my credit card, 50% sale and my shopping fetish! It was the first time in my life that I did a night out and for what an honorable cause. Wardrobe re-style!
All this while I was walking like the hands of clock at 17:30.
So here are the 3 morals of the story
- Never fake an accident because it come back to haunt you in real 11 years later.
- Tylenol doesn’t make pain go away. ‘Did you find everything ok? Your bill is XXXXX, please swipe your card’ does.
- England you suck at cricket. India you rock! ( It
has nothing to do with the story but I just wanted to say it )
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