Tuesday, January 15, 2008

If only I could ......

* There is no order. Entropy, as God created, still prevails [;)]

If only I could

Deliver a perfect smash-shot in table tennis. Trivial to start with.
Comprehend the randomness of destiny
Speak fluently at an extempore
Do 10 chin-up’s without having to die of exhaustion
Mingle at a party without nudging my way in and walking out after getting bored
Stand floating in 10 ft water with my head above
Raise my eyes to meet the gaze of someone
Type without having to look down at the pad. Ni I dud nrt nanage ti do it. See I couldn’t do it.
Watch “Patch Adams” without crying when Robin William delivers his speech
Work out 46*17 in my head
Be honest with myself when I ‘am sitting alone and thinking
Tell the truth about my underperformance
Refrain from skipping number 13
Dance by moving my legs along with my hands. Somehow my two left feet are stuck to the floor.
Understand how some people are happy all the time. Pretentious or too little pain.
Convince people with my words. Seemingly it seems crap to everyone.
Operate the mouse with my left hand
Get some info on how Nokia numbers it’s cell phones
Be like Calvin (of Calvin and Hobbes) or Ross (of Friends) and not worry about a thing in the world. Everything falls into place.
Give room to humor by evicting sarcasm
Understand Macros in MS Excel
Learn the working of a Stock-market and understand the meaning of ‘Short-selling’ and ‘Insider-trading’
Contribute to Wikipedia
Complete one book before picking up another
Break the silence and shout atop the cliff
Write a prose which rhymes better than “Love” and “Dove”
Throw a trash-paper ball into the dustbin from yards away without it being a fluke
Get the meaning of a Ghazal. Being from Lucknow is another pain.
Define the meaning of “Middle-class-mentality”. Is it pseudo or for real?
Read the newspaper while brushing my teeth.
Count the number of emotions which can be explained by a single word. Fuck.
Drink water from a bottle without having to gulp each time.
Explain to someone, with lucidity, what Petroleum Engineers do
Develop a sense of direction in a new neighborhood. Invariably I lose track of turns.
Go beyond ‘Te Quiero’ in Spanish without having to shove a Babel Fish in my ear
Travel in a flight without feeling a sense of pride and apprehension.
Take a “NO” gallantly
Remember today’s date without having to glance at the watch
Identify the new cricket players in Indian team. Laughing stock.
Rev up a car which has been stalled on an up-going slope without rolling back a meter.
Identify Parveen Babi from Zeenat Aman
Stretch 180 Degrees without having to compromise my dignity
Pinpoint the last thing I saw or heard before I went to sleep
Cut out the accent when talking to an expat
Find a quiet place to sit and ponder upon the finer parts of life. In Mumbai. That’s the catch.
Refute that “Past is perfect and Present is tense”
Type “Siddhartha Gupta” into Google and discover that the first hit was mine
Flush my mind of thoughts which are stale and needless to contain
Muster the courage to trot to the gym everyday
Thank HIM for the goodness bestowed. Not much showers actually.

Digging the pile of one’s own past is the one of most difficult things coz you relate to the garbage. 50 pails of crap were excavated and the whole town remains unscathed yet. [;)]

Ciao !!