The spring was over and summer was on
Austin was hot and the streets had gone
Parched and shimmery. May was here and
When the pecten called, Denver was my new land.
The drive was long, through hills and dirt
El-Paso was mid-way and my back began to hurt
Miguel was happy that Le-Bron had scored
The one sec shot and Orlando was floored
The Mexican flag flutters nearby they said
We turned right and I-25 stretched ahead
We passed Santa Fe n other New Mexico sights
The 8 o clock horizon showed Denver city lights
The house was fine though the parking was tricky
And sleeping on someone else’s bed seemed icky
At first but exhaustion took its toll
Next it was 5 in the morn and I was all set to roll
Drive to Shell to short and swift
5th and 14th Stanford Place. Took the lift
to the front desk. “Hi I’ am the new intern in drillin”
Just a sec. Lemme fetch you manager Chris Hakulin
A tall, lanky Finnish gentleman came and said Hi
Took me around the floor and after a while I
Was sitting at my desk with million forms to complete
This is what they call on-boarding. Frikking Sweet!
By the end of the day I had met and known
Andrea Boock, Jose Santiago and Jess Malone
My buddies for the summer interning at Shell
For some reason I heard a voice ‘this is gonna be swell’!
A happy hour at Lodo’s or a dollar taco at Lime
Saturday mornings at Wash Park never realizing time
Flew swift. Hiking up the Rockies or Pike’s peak by cog
Weekends went snap and come Monday, the same ol’ jog
Studying directional tendencies in Pinedale
is my project and effectively it boils down to ‘all hail'
MS Excel. Some head and some toil later, I can
Now safely say that Peter Voser is the man!
HR is rarely praised but I would thank them now
Houston and New Orleans was just a tad short of wow
Watched LSU knock off Texas’s baseball crown
And made up for the grief by owning Houston Brown
24th floor room at W. Mississippi streamed the view
And for a strange fuzzy reason that night my heart beat anew
Bourbon St, Vampire Tour were merely some crazy means
Of enjoying the dark and soulful city of New Orleans
And while all the flights and hands of clock ran
Continental and United had a rather demonic plan
“Sir you can’t check in online” their moronic website says
Solamente porque su nombre es Jose Gomez
Back in the mile high town an untaken road
Was treaded. The power of ’10-9’ was showed
To the wise and all keen tech nerve centre of Shell et al.
I would have jumped on but the wagon was too frikking small
Engrossed in smart fields I kept time at bay
Shooting out 20 mails was my target for the day ;)
Nonetheless 6 weeks passed and I was half-way through
So much had been done so far and yet so much to do
The story remains unfinished. So much more to tell
This was but a blink in the intern-life at Shell
Few answers are still pending. A lot depends on the few
A promise to you my dear friends, I’ll get back to you.